Web 2.0

April 23, 2008


The above reference article is in regards to the new trend of Web 2.0 and its programs that assist the user and researcher.  A logical first step in dealing with a new technological landscape is learning. Librarians at the University of Michigan developed the “MLibrary 2.0” training program so new users can learn how to use the tools through hands on play.  Within the last few years the Web has been evolving and in response a flurry of new programs promises to make its use more user-friendly and effective.  A major focus is now on how the user is a content creator and publisher.  The rise in the popularity of blogging allows free speech to reach far and away audiences with relative ease.  In turn a new focus on creativity and invention results from this phenomena and correct training in these fields will be essential to introducing the every changing technology of the web.

Wikipedia and Education

April 23, 2008


The above link refers to a Fortune magazine interview with Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales.  The author approached Mr. Wales and asked him to comment about how NYC high school teachers are encouraging students to NOT use Wikipedia in their studies.  “Jimbo Wales” as he is known on the site was not contemptuous of the comments but rather clarified that is it important to use it correctly.  He goes on to comment above how asking students to not use the site is similar to asking them not to listen to rock and roll music.  He goes on to say that lots of the errors on the site are ludicrous jokes that are simply overlooked.  He comments further about how the site has security measures in place that almost immediately recognized incongruities within an article and refer it to the many site monitors that are trusted.  Overall, Wikipedia is a valuable resource for scholars, students, and the public.  It is important however to use multiple sources and thoroughly research a topic with just relying on Wikipedia’s website alone.

Ga Ga over Google!

April 23, 2008


The above website is a link to an article that is regarding Google, and their strength as a desirable employer and industry leader.  Founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page recently sat down with Fortune magazine and discussed how the search engine provider and now well diversified company is on the rise and stronger then ever.  The founders discussed how the company really cares about what people think of us in the long term.  The gist of the article is an in-depth interview regarding how they plan to keep their company the most desirable place to be for employees, and how respect and longevity are two motivating factors behind their growth. The founders are resolute in making a positive difference, for example they offered $5,000 to employees who bought hybrid cars, and have in-house nutritionists to help keep employees healthy and happy.  This article is great at describing how Google as an industry leader is setting a good example regarding business ethics and employee satisfaction within its sector and all Fortune 500 companies.

When is Free, Free?

April 23, 2008


This above referenced link directs you to an engaging article about a website that offers to the user a network of bookophiles who in this Napster like program share books for free with each other.  BookMooch.com has almost 60,000 users with about 24,000 of them sharing books already.  The premise is that by offering up 10 books to the website a user can then download all the books that they please from the plethora of other users libraries. The problem is, is that abusers are downloading books for free and then in turn listing them and selling them for a profit  just like the thousands of used book sellers that are on the internet already.  In my mind this is a very novel and potentially useful concept.  The whole problem with the system is that it there are to many users who will not share and will only borrow.  This obviously would eventually lead to the degradation of the site.  Overall, I hope that this website will work but chances are it will fail.  Libraries are just to convenient of a resources and hassle free.

Global Warning!

March 26, 2008


It’s startling to look back in history sometimes.  In 1859 oil was discovered in Pennsylviana and then later in the America south and southwest.  150 years later this black gold has a strangle hold on the world, and is responsible for inching use closer and closer to a diastarous end.  To go off on a tangent, according to scholars researching the mysteries of the Bible Code, the world will begin to end in 2012 with 2010 being the beginning of worldwide natural diasters like massive earthquakes in LA and tidal waves on the eastern coasts.  All these things sound real scary, but the reality of what may come is even worse.  Non-oil company affliated scientists agree we are diggin our own grave.  The build up of greenhouse gases and the accelerated melting of of the glacial icecaps present a real danger to the survival of mankind.  According to the article a ice chunk the size of Manhattan broke off from a major icecap yesterday.  Scientists agree that this is a direct result of global warming.  It is scary to think of the consequences that will result.  More importantly, this event should be another signal that we are responsible for what happens to this earth and we desperatly need to change our style of living if we expect to live here for more then the next couple of generations.  The old proverb is too true…”Don’t shit were you sleep”

Free Tibet Already

March 26, 2008


The link above will lead you to a concurrent news story that has been put on the back burner for 50 years.  After WWII the Maoist Chinese governement marched its troops into the peaceful country of Tibet just south of China.  This occupation forced one of the worlds most influential leaders, the Dalai Lama into exile.  It makes me sick to think about how such an oppresive occupation can still be going on today.  The article discribes how president Bush visited the Chinese president to discuss the protests.  It is upsetting how China is forcefully and violently quelling nonviolent protestors.  Lhasa a major city in Tibet is a spirtual captial of the region as well as a important location for all Buddhists.  What really angers me is that China is set to host the Olympic games and all major countries around the world are still going to attend.  How can we do this? I guess it is just my opinon, but by attending the games we might have well been supporting this brutal occupation.  How can the US as the Great Liberator, and World Policeman just ignore these facts.  Its simple.  We would have nothing to gain by liberating Tibet.  I guess were just afraid.  Afraid that if China was to release our trade debt onto the market our country would be destroyed.  If thats the case…who is the real superpower?

Kitty Killers

March 12, 2008

http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/03/12/dnt.ia.cat.bounty.kptmThis news piece really made me sick to my stomach.  It is the perfect example of how irresponsible most of America is.  A small town the Midwest has proposed a $5 bounty for each stray cat captured and killed.  I understand that this town may have a serious problem with stray cats, and that cats can be carriers of nasty diseases, but do they have to die for doing what comes naturally to them? Eating, and reproducing.  I mean come on how cans this be a logical solution to a problem.  It is the perfect example of what is wrong with America.  First, off if the cats had not been released in into the “wild” in the first place they wouldn’t have this problem.  As a cat lover an owner situations like these almost always rise from the neglect on the part of the humans.  People get tired of caring for animals or are forced to give them up so they just release them in random location thinking, only 1 isn’t going to make a difference.  It is sad when an owner has to give up their animals but this is never the correct solution.  Bob Barker said it best, “Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pet!” Instead people release breeding population of cats into the environment and expect them not to be a problem.  What is even worse is that the administrators of the town think the best solution to the problem is execution!  I know for a fact it cost if need be a vet. Will spay and animal for $35-40.  Why not approach it this way rather then mindlessly kill an innocent animal?  One word, Money.  It’s obvious.  Residents of this town can easily put a price on an animal’s life. $5 and no more.  Well, for me that number represents how many functioning brain cells some of these sick individuals have.

Eliot Spinster

March 12, 2008

 Article Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/12/nyregion/12cnd-resign.html?bl&ex=1205467200&en=823faf9a1e1c976c&ei=5087Being a resident of NY I try to keep up with the news of the Empire State.  It was a few days ago that I read about Governor Eliot Spitzer was resigning due to his involvement in an alleged prostitution ring.  I was so amused by this fact mainly for one reason.  While serving as NYC attorney general he was the epitome of the ethically minded America fighting to create a save environment for citizens and their children.  He was a tough minded, outspoken man who championed many noble causes within the judicial system, including attacking the Mob etc.  When the new broke that he had used the services of a prostitute I couldn’t help but to laugh out loud.  This country is filled with hypocrites!  From the upper echelon of pill popping power brokers to the politicians smoking crack in a hotel room and still getting reelected I just can’t believe how we are falling into disrepair.  Its not that I’m criticizing the use of the services of a “lady of the night”, but rather I just find it absurd how “unfree” we really are.  With new taxes such as the INFLATION TAX etc.  Our government is looking for any way possible to profit and pilfer resources from its most loyal citizens.  What happen to America the land of the FREE?  It’s not that I support the use of prostitutes but rather how can we be in a free nation, and at the same time not be able to partake in activities that our ancestors revealed in and enjoyed.  I am not proposing that we all let our guard down and engage in every vice possible.  Instead, I am arguing that we should be able to do what we want when we want.  But instead we are regulated, taxed, ridiculed and imprisoned to the point of drowning.  How does one escape the probing eyes, and judgmental mouths of the millions of hypocrites who claim they are righteous.  I guess it is said best in the word of Jesus, “Let those who are among us without sin cast the first stone.”


February 26, 2008

I stumbled across these two articles as I was reading the news today. Both are a good example of how freedom of speech can be a double edged sword. The first talks about a murdered singer from Mexico named Valentin Elizalde. He was known for composing songs that the Mexican drug cartels rather didn’t like. In response his brutal murder was videotaped and posted onto the Web via YouTube. Although the article is very brief other news releases about the murder have elaborated enough to show how anyone with a computer anywhere can make posts of objectionable and offensive type material with little to no consequence. Similarly, the following article discussed how anti-Islamic posts on YouTube sparked the Pakistanti government to block access to the site for all of there citizens. Soon after this they allowed access once again but with the objectionable material removed, but not with knocking out access to the site for a handful of other neighboring countries. This relates to our studies because there is a fine line between freedom of speech, and information, and it is important to establish some type of governing law that hold people responsible for posts, and accountable to the potential damaging information that they post into cyberspace.


BoOOolean Operators

February 26, 2008

During class last week we began discussing how certain search engines and databases use search terms to pull up information on a particular topic. We discussed how to retrieve full-text articles through the subscribed databases, and how that information is stored with accordance to the library catalog and search engine system. We then further discussed the basics of Boolean operators, such as parentheses, asterisks, and also the words and/or. These are used to narrow down and to conduct a better focused search. Parenthesis are used to group words that a similar together to see if they appear in the same phrases. The word and is used as an inclusive search term, but the word or is used as an exclusive term. Furthermore, the use of an asterisks’ tells the search engine to find words that are very similar such as athlete, athletics. It would be applied as follows athlet*. For example when searching the subject of Gun Control policy, and youth violence a search may look like this;
(gun control and policy) and (youth or child* and violence). Basically, Boolean operators are tools built into the search engine that can be used to more directly and concisely find artifacts on a particular topic with out having to sort through non relevant topics.